Reglas de los adjetivos

·         In English, the forms of descriptive adjectives do not change to reflect the…

  1.   gender (masculine/feminine) of the noun they describe
  2. number (singular/plural) of the noun they describe

·          In Spanish, the forms MUST agree in

  1. gender
  2.  number

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Adjectives must changes to agree with the gender and number of the noun.

For example, when describing a noun that is singular and masculine, the adjective must be singular and masculine.

Adjectives that end in -o or -a are simple to change.  The endings are -o, -a,-os, and -as.   Examine the chart below and use it as a formula.


Singular Plural






Overall, the adjective must agree with the noun that it is describing.  Today, we are only going to study adjectives that end in -o.

Here are some examples of descriptive adjectives that agree with the noun they describe...
  1. La mujer baja.
  2. El gato bonito.
  3. Los lapices cortos.
  4. Los chicos delgados.
  5. El perro feo.
  6. Las mochilas pequeñas.
  7. La chica rubia.
  8. El primo bajo.
  9. La clase aburrida.
  10. Las flores amarillas. 
