Project #2

This week in class we created an elementary school website.  We had to work in groups of four people; I worked with Chris, Jocelyn, and Julie.  We divided up the tasks: Chris created the faculty page, Jocelyn created the homepage, Julie created the afterschool activities page, and I created the lunch menu.  I used many programs to create my part of the website.  I used Nvu to design the page in the website, microsoft word to create a table, and I took graphics from the internet.  This project made us think about what kind of school we want to work in in the future and also helped us learn about teamwork.  It can be tough for students to work together because everyone doesn't always agree.  It is also hard working with Nvu in group work because, we have to transfer everything over to each person's computer and we lost a few images in the process.  In the end, we got our project finished with no glitches.

Christopher Jenulyn Elementary

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