Project #9

This week we had to create a digital story  in Photo Story 3. First I had to find pictures that I wanted to use. I took pictures off my Facebook and Myspace accounts. Next I had to upload the pictures and arrange them in the order I wanted them to appear. The next step was to add titles or captions to some or each of the pictures; you can change the font, the font color, the font size, and the position of the font on the page. The following step is where you can create custom motion and narrate the story. I chose to add music instead, I added Beethoven's Symphony  No.9 because it is upbeat, it is his "Ode to Joy", and my project is about my friends and family that make me happy. The last part of the project was to save the project, link it to my annotation, and send it to the internet using WS_FTP.

My Digital Storytelling Project

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