
 ISTE/NETS for Students & Teachers


     NETS standard II is the planning and designing of effective learning environments and experiences with the support of technology.  It is important for teachers to demonstrate competency in this standard because teachers need to be able to understand what they are teaching to their students and how they are going to teach it.  Planning before a lesson is essential and important if teachers want to get their information to the students.

    Another important reason for planning is that teachers need to incorporate different strategies for teaching different types of learners.  Teachers need to be prepared for all types of learners.  Also, Teachers should have an alternative strategy for every lesson plan.  This way, no matter what, the material is taught. It is also important for teachers to research the material they are presenting.

      To demonstrate competency in this standard, a teacher could prepare detailed lesson plans and/or outlines with alternative strategies.  Also, when technology is involved it is always important to check all links/programs/equipment the students are using.  In addition, teachers need to check whether resources provided for students are accurate and suitable for use.  All these steps would show that the teacher "did their homework" and shows that they know what they are talking about.  Another way to demonstrate competency in this standard is for a technology teacher to have their own web-site.  By maintaining their web-site, they can model correct behavior on the web and give their students a visual when helping them design their own website.



     NETS Standard 5 is Technology Research Tools.  I believe this is an important standard for students to be competent in because, in order for students to learn they need to know how to access to a variety of helpful tools.  Also, students need to research ideas and topics to learn more about them.

     In the technology classroom, students need to know how to locate, evaluate, and collect information from different sites on the internet in addition to books/print sources.  They need to be able to use data and word processing systems so that they can accurately present information.  In the technologically advanced world we live in, students need to know how to use programs on a computer (i.e. Microsoft Word) and be able to navigate the internet.

     To demonstrate competency in this standard, students could do a research project on a specific topic.  They could use the internet to search for information and present the information they discovered by creating a power point presentation.  This would show that they know how to find information and that they know how to report results.  Another way to demonstrate competency would be for students to search web-sites and evaluate the accuracy and validity of the information provided by comparing to a print source.

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