
More exercises:

Combine the two sentences into one sentence by changing one of them into a relative clause.
Make sure you use the correct relative pronouns (who, that or X).

e.g. You’re walking through a house.

        You grew up in the house.

        →You’re walking through a house that/ X you grew up in.

  1. You soon find a door. 
    You’ve never seen the door before.
Answer: You soon find a door that/X you’ve never seen before.

  1. Stay open to things.
    You would be hesitant to explore the things. 

    Answer: Stay open to things that/X you would be hesitant to explore.

3.  All kinds of things could happen to individuals.
     The individuals do not get enough sleep.

Answer: All kinds of things could happen to individuals who do not get enough sleep.


      4. You are discovering an aspect of your identity.

     You are hiding that aspect of your identity.


Answer: You are discovering an aspect of your identity that/X you are hiding.

5. If you have a cough, you may want to call your doctor.

    The cough lasts longer than 7-10 days.


Answer: If you have a cough that lasts longer than 7-10 days, you may want to call your doctor.
