Página para profesores

homerecycling bins in Costa Ricamaestros


Teacher:  Isa Robertson

School: Edison High School

Email: elizabeth.robertson@cortland.edu

LESSON TITLE __     ¡Reciclar!                   __

LESSON SKILL TARGETED                    Comprehension                     

CLASS LEVEL __      Spanish 1B          ________


1.1   Students participate in impromptu conversation.

1.2   Students will read the reading and answer questions to demonstrate comprehension.

1.3   Students will write and distribute information to the school.

2.1   Students will recognize that Ticos recycle because of their cultural values.

3.1   Students will learn new strategies to use less and recycle more.

3.2   Students learn to refuse, which is not taught in US recycling classes.

5.1   Students will take what they learned in Spanish class and show it to the Board.



A.    Correctly identify the situations with the appropriate R.

B.     Rate the 4Rs and give a comprehensible reason as why they decided that way.

C.     Participate in the speaking activity. (optional)

D.    Complete a life plan written in checkpoint A language. (optional)


  1. Power point of Clean Areas and Recycling containers.
  2. Reading
  3. Reading Comprehension Worksheet
  4. Reading Interpretation Worksheet
  5. Consumer and Company name tags
  6. Think, Pair, Share worksheet.




A.    I will start class by asking students which of them recycle at home on a regular basis.  We will talk about what they use to recycle and what categories that they sort into.  I sort paper and cardboard, plastic, glass, metal, and compostable items.

B.     I will remind students that the economy of CR is very dependent on keeping the country clean because it depends a lot on tourism, especially ecotourism.  We can discuss which parts of the US are like that. (Yellowstone, Adirondacks, Catskills, Hawaii, etc.)

C.     I will remind students that Costa Rica is very invested in protecting its natural environment while showing a slide show of the beautiful wilderness in CR and the multiple types of recycling cans available.

D.    When the conversation starts to peter out, I will ask the students to brainstorm what else they can do in addition to recycling to help reduce the garbage problem in our county (and country).  They will do this in a think, pair, share activity.  Hopefully, the list will be relatively long.

E.     (note) Use the following words a lot

a.       Ambiente

b.      Empaques

c.       Ensayados

d.      Botellas

e.       Ropa

f.       Fabricación


A.   log on tothe reading page.

B.     How many R’s do we have in English? 3! What are they? Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!  Does that look like any of the 4Rs? Match with Reducir, Reutilizar, and Reciclar.

C.     What is different on this list? Rechazar looks different!  What could that mean? (mime refusing something) Refuse! Do the other 3 match?

D.    Who do you think that this was written for?

E.     Who do you think wrote it?

F.      Why do you think that they wrote it?

G.    Do you think they accomplished their goal?

H.    Have students continue working on the worksheet page

If you would like to continue the lesson, you may:


A.    Break students into groups of 2 and hand out “consumer” and “company” nametags.

B.     The consumer will practice declining to buy wasteful or harmful products.  The Business student will practice usted commands.

C.     Direct students to switch partners every 30 seconds for the next 2 minutes.

D.    Direct students to exchange their nametags, and repeat the activity with new roles.

E.     Students return to seats.  Was it easy or difficult to refuse harmful products in this activity?  Is it easy or difficult in real life?  Is it the same for things that we really don’t need?

F.      Students will brainstorm various ways to reuse the following items

a.       Old jeans and other useable clothing

b.      Ripped or torn clothing

c.       Old tires

d.      Old school supplies

e.       Old shoes

f.       Grocery bags

g.      Ask students if they can think of anything else

G.    And we are back to recycling.  It is always the last option, because there are so many better ways to deal with the things that we don’t want or need anymore, but it is a good last option.  What do you think?

H.    Direct another Think, Pair, Share activity.  This time, students will brainstorm a life plan to include the 4R’s in their life and gradually live carbon-neutral or better!

I.       They will then take these suggestions for themselves and adapt them to function for the school.  We will write a proposal for the school board to review to improve the environment of the school.

Extension (optional)


A.    If the school board consents to hear our proposal, students will be encouraged to attend the board meeting and share the information that they gleaned from the authentic text, and note that there are some ideas in the text that are not prevalent in English information about our 3R’s.




US and Tico economies both rely on keeping certain parts of our respective countries clean, but we approach the goal with different processes.



Powerpoint or flipchart.

Promethian Board


Company and Customer Name tags.