We use ser to tell people things that are part of our essential or inherent quality.  Here is a mnemonic to help you remember what those things are:

D Description: Describe yourself physically.  Tall, short, fat, thin, blonde, brunette...    description
O Occupation: Your job. occupation    occupation   occupation
C Characteristic: Describe your mental qualities.  Smart, silly, nice, mean, funny, serious, daring, timid...   characteristic characteristic
T Time: Talk about what time it is.      time
O Origin: Where are you from?  What is your nationality?    nationality    nationality    nationality
R Relationship: Romantic, familial, work, platonic, religious...   relationship   relationship    relationship

How to conjugate ser 
yo soy nosotros somos
tú eres vosotros sois
él/ ella/ usted es ellos/ellas/ ustedes son

Practice matching what you hear with what you read:
