Latrine Accessibility |
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Latrine sanitation was found to be a major concern among people with disabilities. Pit latrines are most common in rural Mali, and having limited physical abilities can make squatting over a hole difficult at best, nearly impossible at worst. For the blind, simply finding the hole in the latrine is a problem, forcing individuals to feel for the hole with their hands.
One modification the MWDS team made to latrine structures themselves was to design the walls with alternate bricks sticking out and waist level. The purpose for this was twofold. The blind can use the bricks as guides as they enter the latrine, while those with less lower body strength can use them as supports. |
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A second solution the team developed were latrine chairs that could double for walkers. The chair enabled people without lower body support to sit up off the ground while using the latrine, and gave people with impaired lower body mobility stability and support while entering, using, and exiting the latrine.