Past Tense Verbs

What are past tense verbs?
    -Verbs are a part of speech that states an action or expresses a state of being.
    -If they are past tense verbs, then they are verbs that have happened, or happened in the past.

How do we form past tense verbs?
Present Tense + d or + ed Past Tense
walk + ed walked
move + d moved
push + ed pushed
smile + d smiled


Present Tense - y and + ied Past Tense
try - y and + ied tried
spy - y and + ied spied


Present Tense + ? Past Tense
drive + ? drove
eat + ? ate
have + ? had
steal + ? stole
cost + ? cost

Table of ContentsLittle Red Riding Hood (The Story!)Practicing Past Tense VerbsExtra Practice(Extension)Glossary