Reflection 2 |
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NETS stands
for Nationals Educational Technology Standards. These standards are broken down
into performance indicators for all teachers and foundation standards for
students. I believe
the most crucial standard for teachers is: TECHNOLOGY
introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to
technology (as described in the ISTE National Education Technology
Standards for Students) B. demonstrate
continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current
and emerging technologies. Teachers
need to have basic knowledge and skills of various programs that will allow
them to extend their knowledge to their students. Without the basic foundation
of understanding technology operations and concepts the teacher will not be
effective in creating a technology environment in their classroom. Proficient
knowledge of technology allows a teacher to be more productive. Technology is a
large part of our society. Parents are impressed when their child’s teacher is
knowledge able in technology. A
teacher can demonstrate competency in technology operations and concepts by
attending workshops and conferences that keep skills up to date. With this
knowledge and expertise they can create websites for their classroom, and teach
students how to maintain and create their own website. NETS for Students I believe
the most crucial standard for students is:
5.Technology research tools