Computer Education for

Private Elementary Schools


"Providing the Tool and the Knowledge to Enhance Learning"


CompuTar,Inc, is a private company that provides computer education to parochial elementary schools in the New York City area. Their curriculum is thirty weeks and is both academic and technology. Their goal is to introduce all students ranging from Pre - Kindergarten to eighth grade basic computer skills.

The computer instructors work closely with teachers to integrate most of the lessons - so subjects taught in the classrooms are reinforced in technology. Students use different software to create various projects. The computer skills to be obtained vary and increases in difficulty by grade.

The program consist of two components - keyboarding and computer instruction. Students from grades three to eight use Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing, a multimedia presentation software program to encourage correct and accurate touchtyping skills. The younger grades use a paper keyboard to assist them in learning the home row and other keys. To make it more interactive and fun - songs and games, such as "Simon Says" are incorporated.

The second part of the class consist of the activity lesson for the day. During that time the students in grades three to eight create different projects, such as newsletters, web pages and a school Website, spreadsheets, slide shows, posters, signs, calenders, and many other creations. The younger grades use interactive software such as Millie and Bailey, Jumpstart First Grade, etc.

If you would like more information about this program - check out CompuTar's Website at Their computer education is second to none.



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