Los Mandatos

Índice El Texto: Los Anuncios Los Mandatos de Tú Para Practicar Más Glosario Table of Contents


La Formación:

The formation of affirmative tú commands is very easy in Spanish. You can form these commands by following two simple steps.

Step 1: Conjugate a verb into the tú-form of the present tense.
Step 2:  Remove the -s at the end of the conjugated verb.

For most verbs, this process will lead to the correct formation of an affirmative tú command. Refer to the table below for examples.

Infinitivo Forma de tú del presente Corta la -s Mandato de Tú (Afirmativo)
Hablar (To speak) Hablas (You speak)   -s ¡Habla! (Speak!)
Comer (To eat) Comes (You eat)   -s ¡Come! (Eat!)
Escribir (To write) Escribes (You write)   -s ¡Escribe! (Write!)

Try it with the following verbs! Conjugate each of the following verbs into mandatos afirmativos en la forma de tú.

1.1. Caminar
2. Aplaudir
3. Leer
4. Esperar
5. Repetir
6. Correr
7. Decidir
8. Escuchar

Los Verbos Irregulares:

Just when you think you're getting the hang of things, there are always irregular verbs. Here are some of the most common irregular verbs in Spanish. The tu commands of these verbs do not conjugate like the others, and they do not follow a pattern. Do your best to memorize them!

Infinitivo Mandato de Tú (Afirmativo)
Hacer (To do) Haz (Do)
Decir (To say) Di (Say/ Tell)
Poner (To put/ place) Pon (Put)
Salir (To go) Sal (Go)
Saber (To know) Sé (Know)
Ver (To see) Ve (See)
Tener (To have) Ten (Have)
Venir (To come) Ven (Come)

Try to translate the following sentences. When you are finished, hover the mouse over the 'respuestas' box to see the correct answers.

1. Haz la tarea.
2. Díme la respuesta. 
3. Ten cuidado.
4. Ven conmigo.


1. Do the homework.
2. Tell me the answer.
3. Be careful.
4. Come with me.

Now let's put it all together! Your mom comes home and wants you to do your chores. Choose the answer which makes the most sense. ¡Ten cuidado! Some of them are not tú commands.

1. los platos.
2.  la tarea.
3. a la profesora.
4. el ensayo para editarlo.
5. atencion.
6. a la fiesta conmigo.

¡Muy bien! No fue tan difícil, ¿no?

Are you finished? If you want more practice, click on the 'Para Practicar Más' link at the top of the page.

If you prefer to see the lesson in a video, check out this great explanation of affirmative tú commands by Señor Belles.

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