Let's Practice with Adjectives!!!

A. Fill in the blank with the correct adjective from the story:

1. "Our house would be  with trees around it a great  yard and grass growing without a fence."

2.  The house on Mango Street is small and red with  steps in front and windows so  you'd think they're holding their breath.

3. "There are stairs in our house, but they're  hallway stairs, and the house only has  washroom.

B. Now let's try to think of our own adjectives to describe these pictures:

1.What does this house look like?

Examples: big, huge, beautiful

2.How is the lawn?

Examples: big, green, neat

3. How do the people in the family feel?

Examples: happy, excited

4. What is the tree like?

Examples: big, decorated, green

5. What is this house like?

Examples: big, old, scary

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