Escaping From Fire

Even though fires are very scary it is important to remain calm and have a organized exit plan.

    By having an organized & efficient exit plan it will help you get out of a fire quickly and safely.  

        Since smoke rises, stay low to the floor.

            Practice these steps with your parents or another adult to ensure a safe evacuation:

1. Make sure you find ways out of every room in the house...whether it be a window or a door.

2. Check to see if the door or doorknob it hot before entering...if it is hot that means there is a fire on the other side.

3. Remember to stay low to the floor when exiting...that is where the safest air is located.

4.  Pick a safe place outside of the home to meet with your family members when you are out.

5.  When you are safe and out of the house, DIAL 9-1-1 and the Fire Department.

6.  Do not go back in for anything...remain outside where you are safe!

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