In the summer of 2013, I studied abroad at la Universidad de Salamanca. While in Salamanca, I also traveled to Barcelona, Granada, Sevilla, Madrid, Avila and Portugal. My knowledge of the Spanish language and culture expanded tremendously while I was in Spain. Look below to see pictures from these places!

Me in the Plaza Mayor de Salamanca. 

   La tuna is the name for a band that plays in Salamanca.

A historical church in Salamanca.

Me, my host mom, and my friend Kelly.

Me, my friend Kelly and our host sister.   

Sitting on a ledge in Granada.  

My friends and I with the Alhambra behind us in Granada.

The flamenco in Granada.

My friends and I outside of El Palacio Real de Madrid.

  Me infront of la Plaza Espana in Sevilla.

Cabo, San Lucas

I have been fortunate enough to travel to Cabo, San Lucas three times. While here I engaged in Spanish conversations with the locals that lived and worked there. I went zip linning, on a glass bottom boat tour and also snorkeling.

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