I choose the technology and elementary mathematics for my topic. The title was What's My Pattern and it was about geometry in algebra. The lesson first starts out with introducing and exploring the three dimensional geometric shapes. Also for the student to discover the patter that exists between the number of sides, faces, edges, and vertices. The students are then to take notes and put their information on the computer. They can do this by making graphs, charts, and tables. This is very important for the teachers have to feel confidant in using computers for graphs, data tables, and math centered programs, because our culture is computer based. Therefore it is important for a teacher to show the students that they can use the computer in math and this will also allow the students to learn about spreed sheets by making tables and charts for their information and answers. Furthermore two examples that a teacher could use to see if the students are able to use the computer is if they can present their work using Power Point and Hyper Studio. Therefore the relationships and patterns can be clearly explained.