Reflection on ISTE/NETS Standards

NETS for Teachers Standards
Standard II: Planning and Designing Learning Enviroments and Experiences

I believe it is important for a teacher to develop competency in this category because I believe it is crucially important to develop effective learning environments and experiences for students. Technology can aid students in their learning so it is vital to have the technology available to offer students. It is becoming more and more apart of our everyday life and students are becoming more familiar with it than ever.  Using technology is a different approach for students rather than just textbooks and notes therefore, students could be drawn into the material more because technology makes it more interesting to them and something they love to do.
    Technology is such a big part of today's world, it is important for students to know and understand the uses for computers and how to work them. The world is becoming more apart of the world and without the knowledge of technology adults will not be able to succeed in the world, specially when this generation of children is older. It is very important for children to be taught technology and to be comfortable with it. Many members of my parents generation are scared of technology because it is not something they grew up with and became comfortable with. With these learning experiences the children will be able to gain this comfort.

        One example of what the teacher could do is first demonstrate and then assess the students on how well they know how to turn a computer on and off, how to navigate around the computer.. Another example of what the teacher could also do to see if they are competent in using technology is give them an assignment where the students would have to use many different programs on the computers. Such programs could be microsoft word, powerpoint,  NuVu etc.

NETS for Student Standards
Standard V: Technology Research Tools

    I feel that this standard is very important for students because one of the main reasons why students use technology is for research. Technology is an amazing way for students to find information. An example of students doing this could be the teachers giving the students many different sources and then the student it to evaluate them and find useful sources. Students gaining a handle on this concept early on will help them a lot throughout their education.


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