Commands   Mandatos

Rules for forming regular "tú" commands in the singular and the plural:
There are four different forms for familiar "tú" and vosotros commands (imperatives); (1) singular affirmative, (2) singular negative, (3) plural affirmative, and plural negative. 
Form the affirmative commands by dropping the infinitive ending (-ar, -ir, -er) from the verb, and then add the imperitive (command) ending.

affirmative "tú"
Regular verbs


 Singular Familiar 

-ar verbs ending example
affirmative -a escucha tú
negative -es no escuches tú

-er verbs ending example
affirmative -e come tú  
negative -as no comas tú    

-ir verbs ending example
affirmative -e decide tú  
negative -as   no decidas tú

Plural Familiar

-ar verbs ending example
  affirmative    -ad  escuchad vosotros
 negative   -éis    no escuchéis vosotros

-er ending example
affirmative     -ed comed vosotros
negative -ais no comáis vosotros  

-ir verbs ending example
affirmative -id decidid vosotros
negative -áis no decidáis vosotros

Examples of Regular "tú" Affirmative Commands 

verb ending infinitive "tú" command example
-ar hablar
(to talk)
habla Habla conmigo.
(Talk with me.)
-er leer
(to read)
lee Lee el libro.
(Read the book.)
-ir cubrir
(to cover)
cubre Cubre la olla.
(Cover the pot.)

Examples of Regular "tú" Negative Commands

verb ending infintive "tú" command example
-ar hablar
(to talk)
no hables No hables conmigo.
(Don't talk to me.)
-er leer
(to read)
no leas No leas el libro.
(Don't read the book.)
-ir cubrir
(to cover)
no cubras No cubras la olla.
(Don't cover the pot.)

Click on this link for pronunciation along with icons. 

Dia de los estudiantes

affirmative "tú" commands
Irregular verbs

verb "tú" command affirmative example
(to say, to tell)
di Dimelo cuántos años tienes.
(Tell me (it), how old you are.)
(to do, to make)
haz Haz la cama.
(Make the bed.)
(to go)
ve Vete.
(Go away.)
(to put, to place)
pon Ponlo en mi habitación.
(Put it in my room.)
(to go out, to leave)
sal Sal de aquí.
(Get out of here.)
(to be)
un buen chico.
(Be a good boy.)
(to have)
ten Ten cuidado.
(Be careful.)
(to come)
ven Ven a mi casa.
(Come to my house.)

Irregular Negative "tú" Commands
Irregular Verbs

verb "tú" command
decir no digas No me digas eso.
(Don't tell me that.)
hacer no hagas No hagas la tarea.
(Don't do your homework.)
ir no vayas No vayas por bicicleta.
(Don't go by bicycle.)
poner no pongas No pongas la silla allí.
(Don't put the chair there.)
salir no salgas No salgas muy tarde.
(Don't leave too late.)
ser no seas No seas tan timido.
(Don't be so shy.)
tener no tengas No tengas miedo.
(Don't be scared.)
venir no vengas No vengas a la escuela.
(Don't come to school.)

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