Let's take a look...

Here are some of the sentences from the story.  In each sentence there is a part that is bolded and underlined.  Look at #1...

What part of a sentence did we learn about that is underlined?
Answer: verbs
What do you see that is before the underlined word?
Answer: an apostophe 'll

What tense are these statements made in?
Answer: future

1.  If you take a mouse to school, he’ll ask you for your lunchbox.

2.  When you get to school, he’ll put his things in your locker and take a look around.

3.  You’ll have to take him to the bathroom.

4.  On the way to the lunchroom, he’ll see some building blocks.

5. He’ll start by writing one of his own, so he’ll need a lot of paper.

6.  When he’s finished, he’ll want to read his book to you.

7.  When the bell rings, he’ll run out to wait for the bus.

8.  When he stops to catch his breath, he’ll want to eat his snack.

9.  So he’ll ask you for your lunchbox.

10.  And chances are , if he asks you for your lunchbox, you’ll have to take him back to school.
