Annotation #2

During this project we had to get into groups of 3-4 students and create our own elementary website including at least three different links for various things. Katie Bates, Greg Frank, and I were in group and worked together to create this website for "Burning Tree Elementary School". We also included links to a calendar, lunch menu, and Administration/Staff. We used the same technology as in the first project, the Nvu program to design the web pages, and WS_FTP to publish our pages. However, rather than all making the pages, we split up the work and each did a page and then e-mailed them to each other. After we e-mailed them we simply copy and pasted the pages into Nvu and them saved them and linked them to the proper places. I believe that this project would be good for my future teaching because i learned how to actually create an elementary school website. This is valuable to me, as a teacher, because i could create my school's webpage if needed. Furthur allowing not only students but parents to visit this website whenever needed, to find contact information, important dates, what's for lunch, etc.This project seemed overwhelming at first glance, but once we started to work on it, things fell right into place and started to move rather quickly. I am happy with the way this website turned out and think we did a pretty good job as a group.

Burning Tree Elementary School Website