Reflection Page

Teacher Standards:

    I read the NETS Content and Curriculum Area Standards in Science, K-4. As a teacher, this would be important for my students because it's essential that students ask questions about what they are learning, either out of curiosity or simply because they are unsure of the material covered. Asking questions deepens student understanding and forces them to look more in depth at that topic. It's also important for students to perform experiments. Doing so may bring on questions, students are also allowed to collect data here (to analyze), ultimately resulting in making students come up with a reasonable explanation for the outcome of that experiment. This may be done as a class, or individually.

     The Science Standard, and all it entails, is a very important subject area that sometimes gets left to the back burner in elementary education. This Standard covers Physical Science, Life Science, Earth and Space Science, Science and Technology, Science in Personal and Social Perspectives, and Science as Inquiry. All these topics have importance to them and should be taught, or at least introduced to students. As a teacher i believe it's important for all my students to show competency in these areas because they will be facing these topics for the rest of their lives. It's important for students to know what some characteristics of organisms are, or what kinds of changes happen in the Earth and sky. By teaching these types of things to my students, I am broadening their horizons and deepening their learning.

    To show competency in this area, a teacher could have students do an experiment, using some basic kinds of lab equipment. During the process, they would collect data, write down questions they had, make their predictions, and at the end make their reasonable explanation for what happened. This would show deeper understanding of the experiment they just did. Another example would be, more specific to a topic, making a chart of changes that occur in the sky. Then, after they have made that chart, write down any questions that they would have about these changes. Just because a student knows about changes in the sky, doesn't mean they know why they happen. After all this, these questions could be answered as a class, the teacher adding in any material needed to suffice for the lesson.

Student Standards:

    I read the NETS Technology Foundations Standards for all Students. This was all about why students, and how students, should be able to perform using technology for various different things. I believe it would be important for students to be competent in the technology area because our society is becoming such a technology based society. It's going to be necessary to understand the technology around you, especially in a school setting. I also believe it's important for students to have a positive attitude towards technology for the very same reason. There is no sense in struggling with it, when all it's going to do is follow you around. If a students becomes negative about technology, more than likely they will get frustrated far more than they should. Using technology, especially in a classroom, should be a good experience. It may not always be enjoyable, but it at least should be good.

    I also think competency in this area is crucial because of the different things students will need it for. Not only needed, but much more of an assistance, with their work. With technology at your hands, it makes life a little bit more easier and little less work for you to do. Also, when used properly, technology can give you very accurate information. Technology also gives you a great way to be extremely creative. Students can only benefit from technology, being one of the main reasons why they should become very competent in this area.

    An example of competency in technology, for a student, would be to do a research project. Gathering different data from websites, like magazine articles, newspapers, government information and then writing a paper on it, using Microsoft Word. Although this may sound simple, if this task could be performed without much difficulty, students will have it a little easier. Another way to show competency would be to create a power point presentation for a class. This would entail students getting the information they need, putting onto a slide in a creative fashion, and pulling it up to present to the class.