The Thanksgivng Meal
Historians believe that on Thanksgiving day many years ago the menu consisted of foods that differ from our modern Thanksgiving foods today. Hunters and Natives went out in search for deer, turkey, ducks, geese, swans, and even different types of seafood such as lobster, and fish. For vegetables it is believed that the Pilgrims and Natives ate pumpkin, squash, corn, beans, and dried fruits. One major difference in the first Thanksgiving meal and our Thanksgiving meal today was that there was not a sweet dish served on the first Thanksgiving.  The sugar supply that the Pilgrims brought over on the Mayflower was diminished by the time of the first Thanksgiving, wheat pudding is said to be the sweetest thing that was served in throughout the three day Thanksgiving Feast.
thanksgiving dinner
Today, the traditional staples of Thanksgiving dinner have changed. Generally speaking, Thanksgiving dinner is now typically a two course meal. First dinner is served, and later comes dessert and coffee. The modern day Thanksgiving dinner also consists of many sweet dishes the most famous is pumpkin pie, jellos, and bread. In my family we usually have turkey and squash, corn, squash, broccoli,  mashed potatoes, stuffing, and plenty of pies and breads for dessert.  

Try filling in the blanks with different Thanksgiving foods below!

1.  is a yellow vegetable that was served in the first Thanksgiving dinner, that is still apart of Thanksgiving dinner today.

2. potatoes are typically served with poured over them.

3.  is the main meat served with Thanksgiving dinner.

4.Today is served after Thanksgiving dinner.

5. pie is the most famous, and my favorite Thanksgiving desert!

6. and were other vegetables served during the first Thanksgiving dinner.

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