THE GOLDEN RULE of Spanish class…


BE RESPECTFUL TO OTHERS.  Use kind words.  Encourage your classmates to do the right thing.  Don’t swear; you don’t sound cool when you do it and some people find it disrespectful. If common sense tells you to not do something; don’t do it.  Don’t horseplay, someone could get hurt.  This also means being respectful to the school by not abusing its property!

BE RESPECTFUL TO YOUR TEACHER.  I am here to help you learn.  Do not yell at me or swear at me.  Remember that I am on your side! I want to help you with your education!  Do not touch my belongings. Do things that I ask you to do the first time I ask.

BE RESPECTUFL TO YOURSELF.  You do this by doing your work to the best of your ability.  You do this by asking for help when it’s needed.  Don’t cheat; all you do is hurt yourself when you do. Also, respect yourself by being prepared for class!

