As we discussed in class, to express time on the hour, we say:
-Son las dos. (It is 2:00.)
-Es la una.  (It is 1:00.)

To say what time something is at, we say:
-A las dos...  (At 2:00...)
-A la una...  (At 1:00...)

To express time on the quarter, half, and three quarter hour, we use the following expressions:
...y cuarto (quarter after) (:15)Ex:  Es la una y cuarto - It is 1:15.
...y media (half past) (:30)Ex:  Son las tres y media - It is 3:30.
...menos cuarto (quarter to) (:45)Ex:  Son las siete menos cuarto - It is 6:45. **
**When expressing times such as 6:45 in Spanish, we say that it is a quarter to the next hour.
Ex:  Son las siete menos cuarto.  (It is a quarter to seven.)  This is why we use seven instead of six.

Final Project
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