We know that the articles le/la/les mean the before a noun. We've seen some different articles in the story:
Guess what they mean.

1. Mon -
Answer: my

2. Ton -
Answer: your

3. Son -
Answer: his or her

4. Sa -
Answer: his or her

5. What is the difference between son and sa? -
Answer: son is used with masculine nouns while sa is used with feminine nouns

We have also seen a different verb avoir - to have - and 3 different conjugated forms.

Match the conjugated verb to its correct subject:

1. Tu _______ un crayon bleu.

ai as a

2. J' _______ un crayon noir.

ai as a

3. Il ________ un crayon rouge.

ai as a

Fantastique! Let's continue with some more activities. next
