.:.Reflection #1.:.
teachers behind in technology use
I agree and disagree
with this article. Some of the reasons that I agree with it are
because i do believe that technology needs to be more applied in
schools. So much of our daily lives rely on this technology now
that it is necessary. Also I agree that the teachers today know
very little about technology compared to the students. The reason
for this though is because when they were growing up computers were not
in every household and they were not a part of everyday
life. The students have the advantage that they grew up
with computers and are therefore more familiar with them. So I
completely agree that teachers need to attend classes and become more
familiar with technology. I also believe that technology should
be incorportated into the classroom in such ways as being able to look
at a class website and look up any assignments due or read any
articles/assignments that need to be read.
I also do
not agree with this article in that i dont
think we are ready for schools to completely rely on computers.
The computers between some people not knowing how to use them and
viruses/problems have alot of issues sometimes and they cannot be
relied upon. So I think ti would be good to integrate them a
little bit right now, but I dont think that they can be solely relied
upon right now, we still need to have that backup such as books and
calenders in the classroom.