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Step One: Students will work in assigned groups to brainstorm ideas about the three questions at hand along with events that occurred.

Step Two:  Students will research information and
discuss important events that have occurred with accurate dates to prepare them for the timeline. Below are some helpful links and websites to help get you started with your tasks:

Congressional Gold Medal

The Montgomery Bus Boycott

They Changed the World

Step Three: Students will go back to their assigned groups to create a timeline. The timeline will include important events that occurred during the time . The timeline must be created on the poster board provided in class with vivant colors as it will be prevented to the class. Your timeline should include the following:

           ~ at least eight to ten important events that occurred.
            ~ accurate and specific dates that these events occured
            ~ A description of each event that occurred
            ~ Neateness and correct grammer, spelling, and punctuation
            ~ A creative title

Step Four: Students will then write a letter to a member of authority. The letter will  be a page in length and include the information that was previously brainstormed by the assigned groups. Your letter should be personal and include your own thoughts and feelings. Your letter should include the following:

           ~ Your feelings and views about at least 5 events that occurred
            ~ Your opinion on how it could have been prevented
            ~ Your thoughts on how to keep equality in the future
            ~ Neatness
            ~ A proper introduction and conclusion, signing your name
            ~ Correct punctuation, grammar and spelling