Aprender el Pretérito

The pretérito is the Spanish simple past tense, used to talk about things that were completed in the past.

Compré una chaqueta. I bought a jacket.
Comimos a las ocho. We ate at 8.
Fueron al banco. They went to the bank.
¿Hiciste tu tarea? Did you do your homework?

AR Verbs: Preterite Tense

For the Spanish Preterite Tense of the 'AR' family of Spanish verbs, the ‘-AR’ words take the STEM and add some new endings.  (Remember the Stem of the Spanish verb is that bit before the –AR, ER or –IR ending so the stem of the Spanish verb hablar (to talk) is the 'habl-' part, the stem of the Spanish verb comer (to eat) is the 'com-' part)
yo  -é
élél /ella/ usted
nosotros  -amos
vosotros -asteis
ellos/ llas/ustedes -aron
-AR verb example:

Hablar - to talk
yo hablé nosotros  hablamos
hablaste vosotros hablasteis
él habló ellos hablaron

Here are some of the many -AR verbs that you will soon be able to conjugate:

amar to love llamar to call
ayudar to help llevar to take, to wear
bailar to dance mandar to order
cambiar to change mirar to watch, to look
cantar to sing montar to climb
dejar to leave nadar to swim
entrar to enter olvidar to forget
esperar to wish, to hope pagar to pay
expresar to express parar to stop
to function
preparar to prepare
ganar to win, to earn quedar to stay
gastar to spend, to waste tirar to pull, to draw
hablar to speak tomar to take, to drink
lavar to wash trabajar to work
limpiar to clean viajar to travel

ER and IR Verbs: Preterite Tense

For the Spanish Preterite Tense of the 'ER' and 'IR' families of Spanish verbs, the ‘-ER’and '-IR' words take the STEM and add some new endings.  Keep in mind that the ending patterns are different in the Spanish preterite tense for ER and IR verbs when compared to AR verbs.

yo  -í
él /ella/ usted -ió
nosotros  -imos
vosotros -isteis
ellos/ llas/ustedes -ieron

-ER verb example:

Comer - to eat
yo comí nosotros  comimos
comiste vosotros comisteis
él com ellos comieron

-IR verb example:

Vivir - to live
yo viví nosotros  vivimos
viviste vosotros vivisteis
él viv ellos vivieron

Here are some of the many -ER verbs that you will soon be able to conjugate:

prender to learn
barrer to sweep
beber to drink
comer to eat
comprender to understand
correr to run
deber to have, to should
leer to read
meter to put, to insert
prender to catch, to turn on
romper to break
temer to fear, to dread
vender to sell
Here are some of the many -IR verbs that you will soon be able to conjugate:

abrir to open
añadir to add
asistir to attend
describir to describe
discutir to discuss
escribir to write
interrumpir to interrupt
ocurrir to occur
partir to leave
recibir to receive
subir to go up, to climb
sufrir to suffer
vivir to live

Irregular Verbs: Preterite Tense

Of course, there are always irregular forms.  These irregular forms in the preterite are said to have "radical" changes.  This means there are vowel and consonant changes in the root (or stem of the verb) that causes a change to occur in all of the conjugations (including the nosotros form).  These changes are not for spelling reasons (like the verbs ending in -car, -gar, and -zar) nor are the changes in the vowels similar to the regular stem-changing verbs which affect certain -IR conjugations in the preterite.  Verbs which have an irregular preterite form have their own conjugation-- different from the established -AR, -ER/-IR Preterite conjugation pattern.   Take note that none of the irregular forms have accents, unlike the regulars.

Irregular Verbs in the Spanish Preterite Tense

There are a number of verbs that are irregular in the Spanish preterite tense.  Several follow the pattern of changing the stem but then adding the preterite tense endings:

yo -e
él /ella/ usted -o
nosotros -imos
vosotros -isteis
ellos/ellas/ustedes -ieron

Irregular verbs in the Spanish preterite tense that change their STEM

Notice that with these irregulars in the preterite tense there are no accents on any of the vowels, unlike the regular preterits!

hacer (to do, make) the stem changes in the preterite tense to hic-.
hice, hiciste, hizo (changes from ‘c’ to ‘z’), hicimos, hicisteis, hicieron.
estar the stem changes in the preterite tense to estuv-.
estuve, estuviste, estuvo, estuvimos, estuvisteis, estuvieron.
tener the stem changes in the preterite tense to tuv-
tuve, tuviste, tuvo, tuvimos, tuvisteis, tuvistieron
poder the stem changes in the preterite tense to pud-
pude, pudiste, pudo, pudimos, pudisteis, pudieron.
poner the stem changes in the preterite tense to pus-
puse, pusiste, puso, pusimos, pusisteis, pusieron.
querer the stem changes in the preterite tense to quis-
quise, quisiste, quiso, quisimos, quisisteis, quisieron
saber the stem changes in the preterite tense to sup-
supe, supiste, supo, supimos, supisteis, supieron.
venir the stem changes in the preterite tense to vin-
vine, viniste, vino, vinimos, vinisteis, vinieron
decir the stem changes in the preterite tense to dij-
dije, dijiste, dijo, dijimos, dijisteis, dijeron (note dijeron rather than dijieron)
traer the stem changes in the preterite tense to traj-
traje, trajiste, trajo, trajimos, trajisteis, trajeron. (note trajeron rather than trajieron).

Irregular verbs in the Spanish preterite tense that change completely.

SER – (to be) Irregular in Preterite Tense
fui fuimos
fuiste fuisteis
fue fueron
IR – (to go) Irregular in Preterite Tense
fui fuimos
fuiste fuisteis
fue fueron
DAR - (to give) Irregular in Preterite Tense
di dimos
diste disteis
dio dieron

Notice that the preterite for SER and for IR is identical.          Notice that the -AR verb DAR takes on the -ER/ -IR ending.

More irregular preterite tense words – CAR-GAR-ZAR

Verbs ending in –car, -gar and –zar have a change in the ‘yo’ case (first person singular or ‘I’) where the following changes occur in the preterite tense:
‘c’ changes in the preterite tense to ‘qu’ so that:
buscar becomes yo busqué - (search)
sacar becomes yo saqué - (take out)
sofocar becomes yo sofoqué – (choke, stifle, suffocate)
‘g’ changes in the preterite tense to ‘gu’ so that:
juzgar becomes juzgué – (judge)
pagar becomes yo pagué - (pay)
rogar becomes yo rogue – (pray, )
‘z’ changes in the preterite tense to ‘c’ so that:
bautizar becomes yo bauticé - (baptize)
curzar becomes yo crucé (cross)

Verbs with Two Unstressed Vowels: Irregular in the Preterite tense

Verbs with two vowels together that are not stressed have a change of spelling for the third person case in the singular (él, ella, Usted) and the plural (ellos, ellas, Ustedes).

Inicio Aprender el Imperfecto Leer el Cuento  Actividades