Project 1

  My website was created and published using two software programs: Nvu and Filezilla. I began to generate my website by introducing myself to Nvu. It took a little while to get used to the program and how to do certain tasks, such as uploading images, creating a color scheme, and adding links. Once I had developed a layout and a few pages I had to link them together. Each page and image then had to be uploaded onto my website by transferring the files using Filezilla. I rearranged a few things and added some more pages to create a website that was more appealing to me.
    I believe that having the skills necessary to create a website will be very beneficial when I become a teacher. One excellent example would be a form of communication to the parents. To have a classroom website would be helpful with informing the parents of my students by having class information posted as well as a calendar of events and other items. However, this website is not designed for that purpose. It was established as an e-portfolio about myself to show that I possess the skills required to create a website. This will be an ongoing project throughout the semester as I will be adding more projects and changing the design and content.

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