Project # 8
The class, Teaching with Computers in Elementary and Secondary Schools was definitely a learning experience for me.  The very first day of class when we were given an introduction to the material that we would be learning, I admit I felt stressed and nervous.  I also admit that I thought the class wasn't necessary.  The first three projects that I had to complete gave me the emotion of extreme frustration.  I had never created web pages let alone publish them for everyone to see.  Before this class the only things that I knew how to do on the computer were to look up information and type papers.  I feel successful at accomplishing and almost completely mastering the various projects that I had to do.  I was able to work through each project individually and with other people helping me.  I feel comfortable now using both the program Nvu to create pages, and the program WS_FTP to publish those pages.  There are a few aspects of this course that I feel I still need practice on.  Using Microsoft Publisher to create various things still seems a little complicated to me, but with practice I know that I will be able to master this.
This course I feel was important to take because it is important for teachers to be familiar with the different types of technology that can be used to benefit students.  Our world definitely strives on different technologies that are available, and it is important to know how to use this technology.  I could utilize what I have learned because a student that was absent from school would be able to go on a website that I create so that they can see the activities that were done in class, obtain homework assignments, and go through notes so that they don't fall behind.  

I definitely feel that the group work assignments helped me more and were easier to do because I had people to guide me through the project.  Granted that the group assignments had more requirements than the individual assignments, if I didn't know something my group members were there to help me out.  Also if someone I was working with didn't know something I was there to help them out. When my class had to complete a Web Quest project there were a few things that I didn't know and my group members both explained and taught them to me. For example I didn't know how to create tables and put the proper headings in them.  Even through a demonstration in class, I was still confused.  One of my group members showed me three different times until I was able to do it myself.  With the Web Quest project each of my group members worked on a page and then we put it altogether when the project was done.  One individual project I had confusion over was the Puzzle Maker and Microsoft Paint Project (Project Number 3).  Even though I practiced it still was difficult for me to create the puzzle.  I feel with individual assignments that I could ask people for help to an extent because they were so busy getting their own projects done.  With a group assignment though, two or three people are working on the same project so it seems more understandable because they are right there to help.

I will be able to use the knowledge that I have learned in my future classroom because I feel more comfortable and experienced with technology as a whole.  In the classroom I will be able to make more fun activities for the students by: composing crossword puzzles, sending home notes with my personalized background that I create, designing different activities for the students to complete, making tables, and lastly just making the learning process more enhanced.  I feel also that this class has benefited me because with the knowledge that I have gained my communication between both parents and students will increase.  Through the happiness and frustration that I endured in this class, I am happy that I took this class and I will definitely apply the things that I have learned to my future classroom.

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