Project #4




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Project #4: PowerPoint Project

            Project #4 involved using Microsoft PowerPoint to create a presentation and uploading it to my website.  I created a  PowerPoint for my science class on a project that I had done.  I used the program to create different slides by changing the backgound color and creating my own text.  I have used PowerPoint before but I had never uploaded my own digital pictures to use.  This time, I took pictures of my project and used them within my presentation.  I used many different pictures of my own and clipart to enhance my presentation.  
            I think that PowerPoint is a great skill for teachers to know because they can use the program in their classes.  They can either teach with a PowerPoint or they can show their students how to create their own.  I would like to teach students in fifth and sixth grades how to use PowerPoint so that they can show what they have learned and teach each other.  Instead of creating posters, students can make PowerPoint presentations that can include animation, music and links to websites which can all really enhance a presentation.  

View My PowerPoint