Project #8: Reflections on the Journey of Learning About Technology
I have learned several things from this class that have helped me in other classes and will help me in the future. One of the most helpful things that I learned was turning projects into pictures and placing them in paint. I used this skill for my math class when I created my geometry power point. I thought It was fun to link projects to pictures instead of just putting a word for a link. I did this for my digital story, power point, and brochures.
I know that I will use what I have learned about web quests when I become a teacher. Web quests insure that the students are getting the information the teacher wants them to get and not wondering into other unrelated sites. I enjoyed making the digital story and have created others for my family and friends. Making brochures and handouts will be another skill that I will use in the future. As a teacher I will send home notices to parents about upcoming activities and events taking place in my classroom.
The only part of the projects that I found frustrating was going home and looking at my site only to find that pictures did work or links did work. I did figure out why they work on the computer at school but not at home. When I was at school the computer would show things from my U drive even if they were not linked up right. But at home I can't access my U drive so I was saw my site the way anyone else that browsed it would see it. On the computer at school if I looked where the URL for the site was supposed to be I could tell if it was linked up right without having someone else look at my site. This was helpful to know when I worked outside of class on campus.