This picture was taken by a photographer during our Canopy Tour in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica.

Antes de escribir la carta a Aviarios necesitan ver una película cortita de En la película hay un perezoso que querría cruzar una carretera pero se tarda mucho tiempo. El video del perezoso

After seeing the video of the sloth crossing the road please take some time to ponder about what we can do to prevent these animals from being put in these situations. I would like you to start brainstorming ideas that you would like to write to Aviarios.

First and foremost how do you begin a formal letter? How do you end a formal letter? What vocabulary will you need to write this letter? What is your purpose of this letter, are you persuading, reporting, comparing and contrasting? How do you address a person you have not yet met? These are all things you might want to think about before beginning your first draft.

You may now start to write your first draft.

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