1 |
2 |
3 |
Score |
List of
Reasons |
- No title
- Less than five reasons
- No supporting descriptions
- Grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors
- Title
- Less than five reasons
- Supporting descriptions are vague
- Minimal grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.
- Appropriate title
- Five or more reasons
- Supporting descriptions are thorough and detailed
- Free of grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.
Activity |
- Events are not in the correct order
- Events are not glued onto the sheet of construction
- Events are not numbered
- No title
- Some events are out of order
- Events are glued to the sheet of construction paper
- Events are numbered, not in the correct order
- Title
- Events are in the correct order
- Events are glued neatly to the sheet of construction
- Events are correctly numbered
- Appropriate title
Diagram |
- Circles are not labeled
- Very little information; not four points
- Incorrect format
- Circles are labeled
- Four points for each circle, yet some information is
slightly incorrect
- Appropriate format
- Circles are labeled correctly
- Four or more points for each section of the Venn
- Correct information provided
- Appropriate format