A “specially funded athlete” is defined as any athlete who receives support which can include, but is not limited to, team competition gear and reimbursement for entry fee, travel and lodging expenses.
An individual may be considered a “specially funded athlete” for the Syracuse Chargers Track Club if they have achieved a performance that meets the appropriate standard in one (1) or more of the outlined events.
A specially funded athlete should understand that the Syracuse Chargers Track Club (SCTC) is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization.
A specially funded athlete should understand that the SCTC funds individual athletes and teams in part because of the benefits an athlete or group of athletes can bring to the club.
A specially funded athlete should understand that the SCTC provides administrative, coaching/consulting services for and enjoys a unique relationship with specially funded athletes.
A specially funded athlete should understand that some athletes may receive greater benefits than others in the competitive team/USATF Elite Development Club (EDC) program and expectations may be higher for those athletes.
If a standard is not achieved, a "NON-specially funded athlete" may be able to purchase competition gear and travel with the team on an individual basis at the discretion of the competitive teams coordinator.
With the above understood, specially funded athletes are expected to:
• Represent the SCTC by wearing the team competition gear (uniforms and warm-ups) at all their competitions.
• Abide by USATF competition and USADA anti-doping rules and regulations.
• Act in a sportsmanlike manner towards competitors, teammate, and club members.
• Understand that although athletes are encouraged to provide input, the team coordinator/USATF EDC designee ultimately decides which competitions are to be funded by the SCTC competitive teams budget.
• Understand that, although not expressly required for funding, the coordinator and the SCTC Board of Directors (BOD) encourage specially funded athletes to attend and/or participate in club functions to the extent their personal schedules allow. They should understand that their presence, either at a highly visible and revenue-generating event (e.g. the Corporate Challenge or a Chargers All-Comers Meet), can be a source of inspiration.
• Understand that there is no contractual agreement between specially funded athletes and the SCTC. An athlete may decide to no longer compete as a member of the SCTC at his or her discretion.
• Understand that the coordinator, in accordance with the SCTC BOD Guidelines Regarding Team Coordinators and/or the USATF Elite Development Club Designee, may discontinue funding of a team event or specially funded athlete. In certain cases, the coordinator/USATF EDC designee is encouraged to inform the BOD of an impending decision, and to seek BOD input. However, the coordinator/USATF EDC designee ultimately makes the decision.