*...Project #7...*

     For this project, we had to make a photo story using Microsoft Photostory 3. This did not take me very long to do at all. I finished this in about an hour. What took me the longest was scanning all the photos and picking out the ones I wanted. I also had to be very careful with the pictures because they are very old and I did not want to damage any of them. They have been in my family for a very long time. The photo story that i created had to do with what things were like in the old days. All of the pictures are of my family and family friends. I have never met any of the people in the pictures. However, the land and house that is in the background of some of the pictures is my house. My house was built in 1850. I love looking at all the old pictures and think about how much everything has changed. The song I picked had to do with asking questions about what it used to be like. I thought it fit my photo story well. I had a good time making this photo story. When I was done, I shared it with my family. This will benefit me in the future in my own classroom because I will be able to make a photo story of a topic to teach my class. I could either put music behind it or I could put speaking that would go along with each photo. You can click on the picture below to see my photo story.

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