*...Project #2...*

    Ashley Clark and Jaime Denny worked together to create a school web page. We chose to take the format from Chenango Forks and Greene School system to help us design our own. We created a main page, a school calendar, the school mission statement, and a faculty and staff page.  

    Working in groups gave us the opportunity to learn from one another. It helped us critique our skills in learning the process of web design. It was a lot of fun to do and it was a great complementary to Project #1. After doing this project I have learned a lot. This will help me in the future in my own classroom because I will be able to set up a website for my class where it will have information for the students and parents so they can keep up to date on things going on in the classroom.   

    The systems we used to create this site was NVU and WS_FTP LE 6.0. We took our faculty and staff pictures from google search.  
You can click here to visit our school. Hope you enjoy!

River Road Primary School

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