Reading Reflection # 2

NETS for Teachers Standards:
        After reading these standards I chose to reflect on the category of Technology Operations and Concepts because not only do I believe it is very important for teachers to be knowledgable about the technology that is available to them to help them keep their students interested and involved, but also I believe that teachers should be up to date with their knowledge about technology because students today are immersed in a world that is advancing technologically at a very rapid pace! This category requires teachers to demonstrate a sound knowledge of technology operations and concepts. In other words to take advantage of the all the technology that is now available and keep up with times they need to demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understandings of concepts related to technology. This category also states that teachers need to demonstrate continual growth in their technology and skills to stay up to date with current and emerging technologies. I believe that this is very important because when I was in highschool many of my teachers knew very little about the technology that was available and many of the students knew far more about technology then they did. However, I believe that the single most important reason a teacher should be knowledgable about the current technology that is available to them is because it will greatly help in the educational setting to make learning fun and interesting, by virtually taking students out of the classroom or just by spicing up their lessons instead of the boring old lecturing that many teachers are used to doing.
        Two examples that a teacher could do to demonstrate competency in this category are: They could enhance their lectures by bringing in streaming videos from the internet to virtually take the students out of classroom and have them learn first hand about some topics that they might not otherwise be able to encounter in their daily lives or on a field trip. Another thing that a teacher could do to demonstrate competency in this category is to integrate computer programs such as Word, Excel, Publisher, Power Point and Netscape Composer into their curriculum as much as possible by having the students become famililar with these programs and use them as much as possible to complete certain assignments that are more interesting than the plain old book reports or oral presentations that many teachers assign their students to do!

NETS for Students Standards:
        After reading these standards I chose to reflect on the category of Technology Resource Tools because in schools today students need to know what technological resources are out there and available for them to use to do research for papers and other projects that they will have to complete both in school and after they have graduated and entered the working world. I believe that it is important for students to demonstrate competency in this category because in schools today in almost every classroom students will have to use the internet at one point or another whether it be to just get familiar with it in the lower elementary grades or whether it be to  find an use good resources for research papers and projects. Also as a result of knowing how to use and using the vast array of technology resource tools that are available to them such as the internet, students will gain an enormous amount of knowledge!
        Two examples that a student could do to demonstrate competency in this category are: Students could participate in a web quest that had been set up by the teacher to learn how to research different topics using the internet by way of certain sites that had been provided for them and at the same time they could learn which sites are good and how to evaluate the value of their educational content. Also, at the same time while doing this webquest the will gain a great amount of knowledge about the topic that is presented. Once students have become familiar with the internet and how to use it for research purposes the teacher could assign the students to research an appropriate topic of their choice that they are interested in. Have the students research their topic and have them find 5 good references to back up this knowledge and then have them present their findings in a an interesting power point presentation!