Project 4

This was an optional project in which we had to use Microsoft word and word art. We had to create our name first and have it vcrtical on the right side of the page. Then, for each letter in our name we had to create another word horizontally.  We also had to create a document with a watermark on it. Next we were required to choose a background color as well as a border. I didn't think that this assignment was very difficult, and I knew how to create borders and backgrounds. Once you realized where the watermark icon was located, it was very easy as well. I think that this will be helpful for kids in my classroom because it is a fun activity that they can do, while still learning different areas in Word. They could even turn their fun names into bookmarks, which would then encourage reading!

Wordart Acrostic

Educationl handouts with border, shading or fill effect

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited.
 Imagination encircles the world

Albert Einstein

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