Project 1:
Initial Publication of My Webpage

For this project, I had to create a webpage using NVu and then publish it. NVu is a program that creates personal and professional E-portfolios. I had never used NVu before so it was a little difficult to begin. Once we learned from Dr. Shi, however, everything started to come together and I was able to create a website. My website can be used in the future to demonstrate my knowledge of using technology. I included many different sections on my home page such as "About Me" where people can learn information about the creator of the website, "Projects" to list and link all the projects that will be completed this semester, and finally "Resources" to include links to important websites such as the SUNY Cortland homepage. I believe that with the knowledge that I gained from this project, I will be better suited to use technology in my classroom. I look forward to using NVu in future projects for this semester.

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