Project #2

For this project, we were supposed to choose an elementary school , either imaginery or a real one, and create a website for the school. I chose to work with Kristene Laustrup and create a website for the school that we are observing at this semester, Parker Elementary. We divided the work because it was going to be a lot to do. We created a homepage with the mascot symbol the Panther, and created links at the bottom for "Faculty/Staff", "Calender", "Lunch Menu" and a link back to "School home". We created a school calender with events for the month of March. Also, a lunch menu with daily specials and extras that students could buy. Finally, we included a list of faculty and staff with grade level, in case someone needed information about the teacher.

Parker Elementary Website

A child's education should begin at least one hundred years before he is born
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

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