Futher Readings




Futher Readings

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Our Endangered Earth: What We Can Do to Save It by John Langone

                This book identifies the different problems causing changes in our climate.  The author explains how these problems do affect the environment and offers possible solutions in each chapter.  This book is helpful in figuring out ways you, the students, can help make a difference in our environment.

Global Warming: A Pop-Up Book of Our Endangered Planet by Sandy Ransford

                This pop-up book gives a three-dimensional overview of how natural relationships have gone wrong.  It goes into the details of the causes and effects human interference has had on the planet’s environment.  This short book provides interactive pop up pictures that can help gain a better understanding of global warming.

The Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore

                In this book the author uses tons of pictures and describes in an easy way the fast pace and wide scope of global warming.  He describes changes that can be made to help the problem and makes it easy to follow the trail of global warming.  This book is also a good source because it provides a lot of evidence to support his statements and the pictures you can relate to in your everyday life.


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