Project Number 7:
*Digital Story Telling Project*

For this project we worked with Photo Story 3 for Windows. At first I was overwhelmed at this project because I had never done anything like this, however I actually enjoyed working on it, and found it rather easy. Although most of my peers projects tell of a real story or a vacation, I decided I wanted to do something that means a lot to me: my friends. Therefore I went through my photos and found pictures at various events of my friends and I. Above each picture I placed a friendship qoute that fit the picture or the person in the picture. As a finishing touch I made all my photographs the color sepia, and adding designs where photos will open and slide different ways. Completing this project will be a great help to me in the future. At the end of the year I could make slide shows of my students for parents to see what we've done throughout the year!

To view my digital story telling projects of my friends please click here:
Photo Story!

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