Assessment of Inquiry Based Web Quest:
Endangered Animals



Endangered Animals

Prevent Extinction

Most Threatening Factor

Rain forest Literature

Games and Activities


To properly assess the Inquiry Based web quest on Endangered Animals, the children will be required to create an end of the assignment activity. The activity will emphasize on the different research and knowledge the children have obtained through their maneuvers of the web quest. At the end of the web quest the children will be able to recognize the different endangered animals and basic background knowledge about the animals. The children will also learn the different reasons why animals are facing extinction and what the main factors are. As a wrap up activity, the children will draw pictures reflecting their feelings about animals that are endangered. They will then write a letter to a representative of their choice describing the way they feel about endangered animals and what they can do to help. The children will then request other possible information to help them conserve and reuse the resources that they have available to them. The letters will be sent to representatives, either state wide or country wide depending on the representative of choice.

Draw Pictures - You can find out which species on the endangered species list live in your area and why they are endangered. Then draw a picture of the animal and the biggest threats to its survival.  If you need a picture of the species, you can probably find one at your public library. Send the picture, along with a short letter explaining why you drew it, to your Senator or Representative. Be sure and tell them how you feel about endangered species.

Write A Letter - You can write a short letter to your U.S. Senators and Representative, the people who are in charge of the Endangered Species Act, the U.S. law that protects endangered species. Write in your own words how you feel about endangered species and when you think it is important to protect them. You can use information on our endangered species web pages for ideas. In your letter, you might select a species that is of particular interest to you and discuss why you feel so strongly about that species. Letters like yours help senators and representatives know how people in the districts they represent feel about endangered species protections.


To a Representative:

To a Senator:

The Honorable (name)

The Honorable (name)

U.S. House of Representatives

U.S. Senate

Washington, DC 20515

Washington, DC 20510

If your parents do not know the name of your U.S. Senators or Representative, you can call your local library to find out.