Apothecia: Cup like structures that bear reproductive asci.
Apothecia: Cup like structures that bear reproductive asci.
Soredia: Asexual reproductive units consisting of a mass of alga cells surrounded by fungal hyphae
Squamules: Scale like protrusion often found as the main thallus form in the genus Cladonia.
Podetia: Stalk like outgrowth of the thallus often bearing apothecia.
Pycnidia: Asexual fruiting bodies produced by the thallus corticate and often cylindrical.
Isidia: Corticate outgrowths of the thallus often finger like, lobed or cylindrical. The are a vegetative reproductive structure consisting of algal and fungal cells.
Cilia: Hair like structures found on the underside and margins of the thallus used in anchoring the organism to its substrate.
Esorediate: Without soredia.
Lirellae: Linear apothecia.