Yellow Crested Cockatoo

                   This species has a broad diet including seeds, berries, fruit, nuts and flowers . It has been observed raiding crops of maize and rice, and may also take green plant material. This bird tends to roost and feed in groups . All cockatoos develop very strong pair bonds, and the yellow-crested cockatoo is no exception. Precise details of breeding are not known for this species, the nest is usually built in a tree-hollow, and up to 3 eggs can be laid . Nests have also been made in burrows in cliff faces . In captivity both parents feed the chick, which hatches after about 27 days of incubation .

                   The yellow-crested cockatoo is found in the central archipelagos of Indonesia and on East Timor. This species was widespread and common in the 19th Century but by the 1980s had undergone a rapid decline and was vanishing from most areas of its former range.

                   What is happening to the Yellow Crested Cockatoo?

                    The main factor responsible for the precipitous decline of all of the races of the yellow-crested cockatoo has been unsustainable over-exploitation for the pet trade . Habitat loss has also played a part in the decline. The yellow-crested cockatoo is now fully protected by Indonesian law, and international trade is restricted by CITES. It occurs within a number of protected areas, and a species Recovery Plan was initiated in 1998 . This programme continues today and is making progress in five key areas, namely: controlling trade, conserving key habitats, removing the market demand for wild birds by establishing captive breeding facilities, research into ecology and population dynamics, and awareness campaigns.

(Taken from: )

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