"Life's more amusing than we thought."
                                                                                                                                                              ~ Andrew Lang
 Project #8  
lineExploring EDU 314

This course was important because with our changing world, being knowledgeable with technology and many computer programs is important. The students we will be teaching in the future will learn how to use computers much faster than we did when we were younger, just as I learned how to use computers faster than my own parents. Being able to teach students different aspects of the computer and technology is a crucial part of their education. So much of our world is based on the Internet and using computer programs, it’s an essential in a child’s education today. Therefore, having this class to explore different parts of technology that I probably wouldn’t have encountered on my own was important for me. I can now pass on these skills to my future students so they can feel comfortable in our technological advancing world.

When working in both small groups and by myself, I often found that working alone was the most helpful, for myself personally. I like to use the computer at my own pace and often try to find the answers to my problems very quickly. As I stated earlier, I was much of an independent learner throughout this course and had no problem finding the answers by myself. When working in groups, I couldn’t work at my own pace, or perfect every tiny aspect of the page. I am a perfectionist, so any inconsistent font or different shade of color bothered me and I would make myself go change it. When working by myself I was able to make sure that everything was consistent while I was in the process of making it. Also, other people’s interest and enthusiasm about making websites and using other computer programs isn’t quite the same as mine, so I find it difficult to help other people when they just want it done with minimum effort.

My Personal Experiences Exploring EDU 314 My Future Technology