Project #3: 

ISTE/NETS Standards Websites Reflection

        The standard I find the most important is standard number five. For Teachers I believe that professionalism and productivity are two          of the few things that are not to be taken lightly. On the first day of school many classrooms either go over or write with the students a list        of consequences of inappropriate behavior. For the teacher this is no different, there is, at least in my own life is a list of things that I should      know better than to do.

         I do not expect to drain the life out of my students with a dull monotone speech about how everything is to be done to be the most         productive. However I do believe that as a teacher the classes I lead should be prepared with an engaging fun and on-topic lesson plan         for my students just like my students should provide me with the assignments I ask them to do completed and handed in on time.

        When dealing with technology I know that there is a level of professionalism that is used in finding appropriate websites for my students.     I also know that it is my own time I need to spend in order to find the right technology for the classes use.


                I believe standard number five is the most important standard for students. For my students I feel that technology, especially the             computer is an amazing way in which to find out the answers to questions. Individual as well as group discovery is a topic I feel my                 students should be able to acquire either by the utilization of books or (as it seems more common in schools today) the use of a                     computer.

        Almost anything can be discovered using the computer, for that reason it is vital to monitor the students use and limit some of the               access to some sites that are not appropriate. Many of the websites found in the link called “Useful Websites” can be a helping hand for         a child to find out about the world around them.

         One way to implement this in my classroom is to assign a research project in the class about a different geographic location and have         the students type their reports. A second way would be for the students is to have them go through an online scavenger hunt, finding             images and quotes off of the web and recording the URL where they found them.


Useful Websites  ::  Projects  ::  Pictures  :: Works Cited

Personal reflections based on website readings below
 Teacher Standards :: Student Standards