Project 7

    For this project I worked with Jillian and we were to design a pamphlet for our EDU-373-603 (Teaching Mathmatics) course. Together we created a game for math day at Parker Central school district. With the game we printed out a pamphlet with information on what a child will learn after playing our game in order to pass out to the parents.

    We used Microsoft Publisher in order to create our pamphlet. When the pamphlet was finished we then created a freeze frame of our screen and copied the front half of the pamphlet into Microsoft Paint. In Paint we cropped the pamphlet so you only see the cover page and we resized the image to get rid of excesss blank space. Then we published our page using Nvu and WS_Ftp.

If you have Microsoft Word 2007 (CLICK HERE)
If you have Microsoft word 2000 or below (CLICK HERE)

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