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            When Thomas Jefferson was the president during the years of 1801 until 1809 he made a very big decision that doubled the size of the land for the United States of America.  The event is called the Louisiana Purchase.  From the land came out states like Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, lowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Colorado and Montana.  

            In 1803, France sold over 900,000 square miles west of the Mississippi River to the United States for $15 million, which is an average of 4 cents an acre.  After the purchase, Jefferson hired two explorers, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to travel the land and document everything that they would find there.

        Your task in this web quest is to learn about the people involved with the Louisiana Purchase, the places they traveled and the process they had to go through in order to complete their journey.
By: Sandra Jason and Vera Budnik